The latest example of bloated egos in Bollywood is provided by the verbal duel between Aamr Khan, Idiot No. 1 in Three Idiots and the pseudo-secular intellectual Javed Akhtar.

Aamir Khan Highbrow and bloated
It is true that both of them have reached a certain stature in the film industry and have contributed their bit to the movie world. They also have a lot to contribute still. It is also true that both of them have their share of admirers and detractors alike.
But it does not mean that those who try to poke their noses in everything are the only ones who can contribute.
The argument arose from a discussion on who contributed more to the success of a movie song. The occasion was a meeting to sort out worldly royalty issues between producers and lyric writers.
Aaamir Khan, just as he had tried to intervene in the Three Idiots dispute with Chetan Bhagat, tried to intervene saying that lyric writers did not have much to contribute to the impact of a song. While he tried to downplay the role of the lyricists and claimed that only the star actor makes a contribution to the success of a song, Javed Akhtar took umbrage and a heated argument followed.
If truth be told, film songs become popular more by the sense of hearing than by the sense of sight. Not everyone goes to see the movie whose song becomes popular. Many songs become popular even before the movie is released everywhere and many a song played on screen by mediocre stars or of miserably failed movies become popular. It is the combined effort of the lyricist and the music director that creates the maximum impact of the song. Of course, Aamir Khan is totally wrong in giving more credit to the actors. Even Javed must know also that without good music composition, a superlative lyric will also remain effective only with a small number of people.
So where both are wrong, it is not proper to take sides on the issue about which the debate became ugly. The objective of both sides primarily revolved around money rather than a debate purely about merits.
But considering the actions of Aamir Khan thereafter where he sent in his resignation from a certain committe about Copyrights, it does seem that the actor is going overboard. His ego certainly seems to be bloating rather much as can be seen from his letter to the Hon'ble Minister for HRD Kapil Sibal.
Aamir wrote that though he felt he had a lot to contribute, “I cannot make any meaningful contribution in this atmosphere. Aggression of this type leaves me feeling very disillusioned and sad and I am unable to function.”
Well, the Minister or the Government can be hardly concerned in his personal arguments with Javed Akhtar and the offense taken by him and it would be inadvisable for the Minister to even attempt to keep him on the Committee. If he wants to resign, let him resign. He is not the only one who feels he has a lot to contribute, there will be a hundred others more brainy than him even within the industry.
Let such bloated egos be deflated as soon as possible.
I have a different POV and it is more skewed towards Aamir's. Songs are one of the key ingredients to pull in the viewers for a movie. More than 90% of films are promoted through the songs. Good music (combination of lyrics+composition) has many times got a lukewarm respsonse when compared to Mediocre Music which has BIG STARS. (Eg GULAAL, DEV D, LUCK BY CHANCE on one end and LOVE AAJ KAL, 3 IDIOTS on the other)
ReplyDeleteIn the olden days, when music was more about soul than presentation, irrespective of STARS, the songs were well recieved.
Its mainly because if the product is weak u need better packaging.
Sadly in last few days I have got disgusted with 2 major Khans of Bollywood. Is Amir's approach justifying the adage that heroes are opposite in real life and those who portray as villians are good men at heart ( remembering Pran ).
ReplyDeleteI agree. All khans seems to be having big ego. look at the way sharukh is out to prove that MNIK is a bigger success than 3Idiots.
ReplyDeletecomments of shreyanhs are quite valid. It was stated in quite polite terms in the article that stars do not have a big role in a song becoming popular. It was left at that, just to confine the issue to the immediate casue of their quarrel.
ReplyDeletea separate article may be necessary to present a more balanced picture.
I feel sometimes, even the singer contributes to the popularity of the song . along with the lyrics & music.People's tastes keep changing & what is popular toady may not remain so years later & may not have gained popularity if it was sung earlier.Thus,there are a host of factors which are responsible for a song becoming a hit.
ReplyDeleteAamir Khan is a good actor but misunderstanding with all or some are all part of life.We all have to tread a middle path but these discussions make us become aware of varying points of view which is commendable.Out of all this debate,may emerge a new theory ,a good amendment to the Copy right act-which is what all this is about.
i agree with vasu. singer definitely.
ReplyDeleteEveryone at that level has fat egos.
ReplyDeleteI feel both are important, lyricist as well as star. But for masses, who typically are much more in number, it is the star/picturization/music that matters, and for more mature ones, it probably is the lyric.
Another aspect of all this 3 Idiots thing I felt about, put down at: