29 May, 2006


AAMIR ISSUE and freedom of expression

a non-bollywood, non-political view

TV channels and newspapers have extensively carried interviews by Aamir Khan on the Narmada issue in which he a) defended his right to freedom of expression and b) claimed that he had only talked of redressing the plight of the displaced persons, like any other person concerned for the well-being of adivasis, farmers and poor people would do. He also said that he was only reiterating what the Supreme Court said in this regard.

It is true that he, like any other person in a democracy, has the freedom of speech and expression. It is also true that he appeared to be talking only about rehabilitation.

However, the point of view of the people of Gujarat that, perhaps, could not be clearly presented, needs to be understood in context. There is a long background and history leading to the present feelings of people in Gujarat.

  • The Narmada project was initiated nearly 45 years back in 1961. For various reasons related to government decision making and other obstructions, the project has till today not seen the light of day.
  • The project has a tremendous significance for Gujarat and the people see it as the key to the development, prosperity and growth of their agriculture as well as industry, besides being a source of water for their thirsty millions.
  • The delay in implementation has had a unimaginable adverse impact on not only the costs of the project, which have escalated tremendously, but also delays in getting its benefits, which also carry a massive cost in terms of delayed development.
  • The delays have been compounded by various agitations carried on over the years and still being carried on by Narmada Bachao Andolan.
  • NBA, whose actions have established its identity as an anti-large development, anti-dam movement, has been agitating since 1986 and has been instrumental in causing serious impediments in the implementation of the project at every stage.
    Over the years, NBA has resorted to every available means, to stall and stop the project. A more detailed overall perspective can be found here and here and here.
    Also see the Supreme Court decision on the cases filed by NBA and others:
  • Unfortunately, apparently without having any background of the project and NBA’s past role in delays on the project, Aamir Khan chose to join and speak from the NBA platform, effectively identifying himself with NBA.
  • The fasts and agitation spearheaded by a group of professional protestors of NBA ostensibly to support rehabilitation, were undertaken to put pressure on the government as well as even the Supreme Court, which was already seized of the matter FOR THE MAIN PURPOSE OF STOPPING WORK ON THE DAM not for rehabilitation. Aamir would have logically ascertained cause of the NBA agitation and known that the purpose of their agitation at that time was to stop construction.
  • Aamir chose to join the agitation at that point of time. He would certainly be aware that his celebrity status would provide a strong impetus to the NBA banner. Therefore, even if he himself might not have said anything about stopping the dam, the effect is the same as if he had done so. Even being charitable and assuming that he was unaware of the objectives of NBA, he is responsible for the consequences of joining without being aware.
  • The project is at a critical stage and with NBA’s relentless efforts to STOP the construction on the project; further delays would simply be disastrous for the country and Gujarat in particular. The project is designed to benefit four states in which over one fourth of the country's population lives.
  • Considering the extremely sensitive and delicate stage of the matter, it is but natural for the people to fear that his actions on the back of NBA platform would further compound and lend strength to NBA’s efforts, leading to the project being scuttled.
  • Therefore, his actions are justifiably seen as completely against the interests of Narmada project even if he did not utter a word about stopping the dam. His ill-timed comments from the platform of NBA, which is recognized by all those who have followed the developments over the years as being fundamentally anti-project, have naturally invited the anger that he is facing now. Even his comments on rehabilitation were apparently based on the NBA’s contentions, which have been seriously disputed in the Supreme Court.
  • In his defense, Aamir Khan also vainly dragged Supreme Court into the issue by saying that he was only repeating what Supreme Court was saying. It should be remembered that whatever was said as regards rehabilitation by the Supreme Court while deciding the NBA case was logical and it could hardly have said that it should not be done. It is not quite correct to hide behind the Supreme Court while defending what he said during the NBA agitation.
  • It is futile to claim freedom to exercise the right of speech without responsibility and without adequate knowledge, from a platform whose AVOWED PURPOSE FOR THE AGITATION AND FAST WAS TO STOP WORK ON RAISING THE HEIGHT OF THE DAM.

In the above background, it is naïve or deliberately misleading of Aamir Khan to keep claiming that he has not said anything against the dam but only spoke and will continue to speak about rehabilitation.

Every citizen, including Aamir, has a right to freely express his or her opinion and views on any matter, including the Narmada project.

At the same time, all those who are offended by HIS actions, according to their own perspective, have a similar freedom and right to express their unhappiness in speech or actions against his actions, as long as they do this within the confines of the law. This right is all the more stronger for the millions whose lifelines could be threatened by further delays in the project. It is not material whether the views are expressed by a hundred or a thousand or a million voices.

Some of those who support Aamir Khan have also expressed a view that those opposing his actions are guilty of ‘intolerance’ not fit in a democracy. This is an unfortunate view. It is to be remembered that the freedoms of speech and expression are essentially subjective matters. The essence of the freedom is to allow an individual to express a view in the way he or she sees it. Similarly, the definitions of ‘tolerance’ and ‘intolerance’ are also a matter of subjectivity and depend upon the facts and circumstances of each situation and the individual. An arbitrary level of tolerance and at what stage tolerance turns to intolerance cannot be dictated by others, although they may express their views of what they consider intolerance. Tolerance and intolerance as far as expression of views is concerned, cannot be defined in isolation; it has to have a relation to the situation and context. History, including that of India is replete with examples of events that would be within the limits of tolerance in normal circumstances but which resulted in strong reactions. Even in day-to-day life, innocuous actions sometimes result in unexpected responses, which ordinarily would be regarded as intolerant reactions.

It is interesting to examine this aspect in the present situation. On the one hand, are people who have been suffering for decades due to the delays in completion of a development work that is a national project – a project that is likely to bring succor to millions by way of supply of drinking and irrigation water and power. These are the people who have been waiting patiently for all these years for the project to come to fruition but which some people are hell-bent to sabotage one way or the other. Every delay that occurs takes these people farther away from their dreams and denies them the basic needs like water. Every delay also results in massive cost increases, which affect the entire country and the tax - payers. For any person of reasonable understanding of what a development project of such magnitude means for the country and for the people, it should be clear where the larger good lies. On the other hand, there are people who are agitated and angry and feel aggrieved because a film is not shown in one part of the country. These are the people who cry foul and claim that those who oppose Aamir are ‘intolerant’. Only those who have a sense of balance and maturity can discriminate and understand as to whose reactions display intolerance.

The subjective nature of the definition of ‘intolerance’ can be shown by an illustration: When Aamir made his remarks at the time of the NBA agitation, a certain film maker opposed these strongly, questioning Aamir’s right to speak in this regard. When Aamir, apparently trying to find ways to show how equally concerned he was for other causes, offered to speak for the cause of displaced Kashmiri pundits, the filmmaker suddenly found it necessary to come out strongly to support Aamir the very next day.

If because of the controversy created by Aamir, the producer and others connected with Aamir’s film are suffering, it is incidental and unfortunate, but they can blame and look only to the source of the problem to find a solution. In the meantime, they can take solace in the fact that the people who are supposed to benefit from the Narmada project have suffered untold hardships and a greater loss than theirs over the years, also due to the actions of NBA whose platform Aamir used to express his wise humanitarian concerns. These unfortunate people will continue to suffer these hardships and losses long after those connected with the film have made their millions, a part of which they want to make from Gujarat.

The right to freedom of speech and expression is guaranteed to all. However, the exercise of that right carries with it the responsibility to bear the consequences. This applies not only to Aamir but also to those who may express their feelings in his favor or against him.

It is ironic that people who show overwhelming concern for the rights and plight of those who are unable to exhibit a film, are completely oblivious of or indifferent to the rights and fate of those who have been all along deprived of the fruits of a development project that may well take half a century before it is completed.

Perhaps, according to those who cry hoarse based on their own notions of undemocratic and intolerant action, that is how the largest democracy in the world is supposed to function.


                            1. Well.....I didnt know all these intricacies. Good that I know them now, and yes, you have done a great job in collecting these stuff.

                              BTW...I dont think what he did was wrong. I mean atleast he spoke up something - which none others in the film industry did.

                              And atleast that can be appreciated.

                            2. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              as to equillibrium's comments, speaking out at an inappropriate time and place or under the wrong circumstances, can sometimes be worse than not speaking at all, in the sense that it may not get the desired results - may be exctly the opposite may happen, as has happened in this case.

                            3. Well....so, you think those people shouldnt be rehabilated??

                              I think thats what he said right?? you have written the same here.

                              I mean itz good to see developments in our country - and if raising the dam's height would help improve things, it should be done.

                            4. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              no equillibrium, thats not what i implied. What i mean is that by talking of rehabilitation when the NBA people were agitating for stopping the dam allegedly because rehabilitation was not taking place, he only gave support to their cause. He could as well have given his views at another time and place and it would have been considered as a genuine concern. He has actually played into the scheme of NBA by speaking along with them.

                              And it seems that you are reasonably uninformed about the matter because rehabilitation is what supreme court is concerned with. Nothing was required to be said because the court was already hearing of the same matter. BY the way, you have to know that NBA's claims of rehabilitation not taking place are disputed by the concerned governments and even the last signal to raise the dam was given by no less than the central govt. after getting reports on rehab and satisfying itself.

                              To repeat again, rehab is not the issue, the issue with NBA is stop the dam, plain and simple. If Aamir talks with them, he is showing support for their cause, no matter how little he talks or even if he keeps mum while sharing the platform with them. I hope you know these simple things.

                            5. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              ya, even if he only sang a song from fanaa or performed a dance with NBA people, it would be showing his moral support and endorsement. Same as if he were endorsing Coke.

                            6. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              From Bollywood, only amitabh bachchan gave balanced comments. He said that aamir had a right to express his own opinion. He said that others who did not agree with him also had the right to express themselves however, within the law and the constitution.

                              Unfortunately, the tv media did not listen carefully to what he said and the media reported that Amitabh had come out in support of Aamir.
                              His comments were actually correct and proper and such comments would be expected from every responsible person.

                              Unlike Aamir, he did not express any opinion on what Aamir had spoken about, saying that he was not aware of all the facts.

                              Such mature comments differentiate him from the rest of the chameleon crown of bollywood.

                            7. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              If Gujarati's feel so strongly about Narmada, there is no compulsion on them to watch the movie. Under no circumstances this preemtive ban by the theatre owners under the pressure from BJP is justified. Gujaratis can exercise their freedom of expression by not going to the movie.

                            8. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              If any people want to express their views by not showing his film, and if they do it within the law, they cannot be forced to show the film. Just as viewers have the right to see or not to see the film, so also the exhibitors have the right to show or not show.

                            9. "The right to freedom of speech and expression is guaranteed to all. However, the exercise of that right carries with it the responsibility to bear the consequences."

                              Now in what way was Amir irresponsible in his speech? When he spoke for rehabitialtion,Aamir simply asked to enforce the SC decision which in any civilized society should be non-debatable ,even u put it as
                              "whatever was said as regards rehabilitation by the Supreme Court while deciding the NBA case was logical and it could hardly have said that it should not be done.".
                              So again logically correct. Right?

                              It seems Amir Khan made the right statements from the wrong platform.
                              So lets say they did not listen to what Amir stated and simply made up their mind just based on the fact that he was seen with the NBA, if the people of Gujarat are hurt and angered by Aamir Khan’s stand as the party claims, then why would they pay upwards of hundred rupees to watch the film voluntarily? Would they not be able to show their disgust without need for such bans? Something that would be much more potent methinks.

                              It's just very sad that all the political parties, the BJP and also the Congress in the initial brouhaha, use ignorant people to whip up a frenzy.

                            10. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              as the writer has stated, the response to someone's actions is based on how the persons reacting see them.

                              the nature of reaction cannot be dictated if it is within law. one can only express an opinion that it is not correct or whatever. such are the demands of plurailty of ideas in a democracy.

                            11. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              pethe it is not simply that aamir stated the right views from the wrong platform. using the wrong platform meant that he endorsed the objectives of that platform, as celebrities normally endorse things like thanda coke.

                              whether they eventaully pay 100 or 5000 rupees to see a film is irrelevant. It is what the people think at this point, which is that he is one with NBA.

                              You might carefully note that EVEN TODAY he has not said that he does not endorse NBA's views.

                            12. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              I think some readers are completely forgetting the millions who are deprived.

                              they think what was said about those who need to be resettled is more important than the condition of the millions who are deprived not now (as the displaced people) but for over 40 years.

                              The main thing is people need to understand the issues thoroughly.

                            13. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              'responsibility for the consequences' does not imply that he was irresponsible. what is meant is that if he has made a comment, he is responsible for consequences of the same and for the consequences of joining NBA. Like in this instance he has hurt the sentiments of so many ppl.who are waiting for the dam to be completed.

                            14. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              equillibrium, you are 100% right that "itz good to see developments in our country - and if raising the dam's height would help improve things, it should be done."

                              Thats one of the problems. Aamir has only said "he is not saying anything to stop the dam". That is not the same as saying what you have clearly and correctly said.

                            15. AnonymousMay 29, 2006

                              Anybody have the link for AB's comments?

                            16. AnonymousMay 30, 2006

                              1. AB's comments were made on a tv channel, very well balanced. Hats off!!

                              2.aditya pethe, you have coreectly summed up:
                              It seems Amir Khan made the right statements from the wrong platform.

                              If you can analyse the issue so clearly without being involved, don't you think Aamir would have realised it, even if late?

                              Is it not simple for him to add to his statements in clear terms that he is not with NBA on stopping dam?

                              Now you tell me why he is not doing it...

                            17. AnonymousMay 30, 2006

                              Very well written!!

                            18. AnonymousMay 30, 2006

                              At least someone is bringing out the background so we can understand it better, being outside of Gujarat.

                              Well done, dude.

                            19. @S. Bakshi :
                              Amir actually made all the statements like I am not a part of the NBA, I am not anti-dam, anti-development or anti-Gujarat on one of NDTVs debate. He was with Kiran Nagarkar, Pralhad Kakkar, Abhishek Singvi (Congress) and some BJP leader, unfortunately I don't remember his name.
                              I will try to find the transcipt of the debate and post it here.

                            20. AnonymousMay 30, 2006

                              yes aditya please do that, if you can find that he said that he is not with NBA and against stopping the dam. "Not being part of NBA" and "not being with NBA on stopping the dam" are different things. As he is not member or worker in NBA, first statement is obviously correct. What is important is whether he is against stopping the dam or not. So far this has never been clarified by him, may be deliberately.

                              Rest of the things that he is not against gujarat, not against dam etc. have no meaning.

                            21. AnonymousMay 30, 2006

                              see how the film people fake things to gain sympathy and support. they reported that aamir had offered to cut 2 crores from his fees.

                              this is just natakbaji to impress simple hearted indian public and gain support.


                            22. AnonymousMay 30, 2006

                              I personally feel Aamir is given too much importance for nothing. So many people are saying so many things on many matters. He should be ignored.

                              However, I agree that this article has analysed the entire situation very well and pinpointed the real reasons why Aamir's statements are not sincere.

                            23. AnonymousMay 30, 2006

                              i agree film people have no credibility otherwise why does he still endorse coke which is creating so much problem of water for the people who live near the plant.

                              He is a typical hypocrite. Just because of his gift of the gab and his play acting he is getting sympathies.

                              so lets ignore him

                            24. AnonymousMay 30, 2006

                              It is understood that the controversy due to aamir's comments is actually boosting revenues of his film and therefore the producer is indirectly encouraging the continuance of the same by sending his director to talk aggressively in discussions etc.

                              The whole idea is to bring the movie name to the highlight as much as possible.

                            25. AnonymousJune 03, 2006

                              Why do people take him seriously. Even people of Gujarat should ignore him. He is not qualified to say on anything relating to the dam project whether construction or rehabilitation.

                              This is because the Supreme Court itself is considering the matter and it is any day more competent to decide.

                              Look at the ego of the gasbag. When the Court gave time for 3 months as requested by the Central Govt. he said in an interview in tv:

                              "Now Supreme Court has given time for three months and the Court will see what happens. Along with Supreme Court, even I will be observing the progress."

                              He is having an exaggerated opinion of himself after making some films like Mangal and Rang De.

                              Real life is different. He should stick to movies.

                              I understand that this time the Guild has supported him but if it becomes a habit, they will simply stop giving him films.

                            26. Very good collection. i liked it but do u think a problem can be solved by another problem? i dont see as to why a film is banned because Aamir talked his mind which in any country is ok and if it is not let those pple who feel Aamir is wrong file a case and without giving it a thought the case is doomed to fail.

                              My friend I am not an indian but considering your writings in the blog i simply think it would have been a better alternative to explain the plight of the gujaratis to Aamir since he is some one who is understanding and honest he might have apologised and even came in favor of the Gujaratis

                              But look at what the leaders did as if they were fight a colonial regime they distanced Aamir by targeting his smallest of interests because the film had been declared blockboster so the productions is affected slightest for being denied a profit while on the other hand the leaders portrayed bad image to the world and remember many pple out there dont know much but what they hear is a film banned bcoz of freedom of expression by the lead actor.

                              With this remarks wish u to be optimistic than pessimistic

                              e-mail m.sadaq@yahoo.com
                              your thoughts are highly welcomed. thank you


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