Our friend (not a great friend of some bollywood colleagues) Aamir Khan is up to his antics again.

This time, in order to promote his film THREE IDIOTS (he being one of them - why did he not perform all the three idiots himself? One wonders.) he is visitng various places in India with a dress change tactic.
The tactic is obviously not intended to hide his identity or his idiosyncracy at all. In fact, he is going out of his way to make sure that media is made aware of all his moves and his visits to various places is given good coverage.
No wonder, his arch adversary Khan Shahrukh is not amused and is passing snide remarks against Khan Aamir. Other rivals may just be waiting for the right opportunity to give him a jab here or a jab there.
The media, like the fools they sometimes appear to be, eagerly gobble up such opportunities and give him free publicity, just to fill up their own time slots. One suspects that media must be charging him normal advertisement rates.
Judging by the manner in which our public also rushes to see such movies simply based on idiotic publicity stunts, Aamir Khan and the likes of him laugh all the way to the bank.
Let us hope that the public will become wiser and more mature, unlike those who indulge in such stunts only to fool the people.